Types: 1 - Mon Vis Eye and the full range of rotation Ear space, including small and large Hair is very prolific and fill the whole body and do not be fooled by Elly cat has felt heavy around the neck only The nose is small and a little bit higher Face box Whenever the shortest legs and her stomach was closer to the ground and was the best picture above the moon Vis 2 - Allbecky Vis All the characteristics of Mon Vis and whenever nose at eye level was the most expensive and the point if you look at him from the side that feels like the glass plate in the integrity of one 3 - A to Himalaya There are two types have Allbeckywalhmlaya moon 4 - the half Bheki
الأحد، 4 أبريل 2010
Eating Two kinds of the house to eat and eat canned and packaged either chips and either canned form, such as beans and tuna And eat, because I guarantee the house will be possible to be eating some of the animals by the second powder, which is located in the meat grinder and this is to eat the meat Elly cause mild disease Altotxoblasmoss

Shirazi Cat Iranian (Persian) Shirazi Facility in Europe and comes from Angora that no modern descendants Thick fur coat a flexible drop-down on the body more intense Andang, shoulders and legs Fraiip Have different colors and the cat is white with blue eyes never Salon Classic luxury most can not hear and there, White Eye orange, the most important characteristic Shirazi short legs and a round head and eyes full rotation extensive And began to jam cats Shirazi divided into three categories Moon or states Vis Vis
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